Enrico Garzilli Presents Sahdow of the Wall

November 10, 2019

Enrico Garzilli Presents Sahdow of the Wall


November 10, 2019 - November 10, 2019

3:00pm – 5:00pm


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November 9th marks an important date in history. The fall of the Berlin Wall.

On November 9, 1989, a botched announcement about travel led some to believe the border was freely open. Overwhelmed by the large crowds, the guards started letting people through. Thousands of East Berliners entered West Berlin, celebrating their newfound freedom and opportunity. Some began to chip away at the wall, an activity that would continue for some months until the wall was formally demolished.

Though East and West Germany were formally reunified on October 3, 1990, thefall of the Berlin Wall served as a symbol of the country’s unification—and, for many, the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the Cold War.

A short plot summary of the Musical Play Shadow of the Wall by Enrico Garzilli

A group of young Berliners seek to escape East Berlin just before the fall of the
They gather in a coffee shop where they sing and find a way to survive the
claustrophobic terror of Communist East Berlin. Unfortunately, the horrific
communist stasi police listen in on their every word, waiting to find something
that will allow them to arrest and torture them. The play is about hope and the
need to survive no matter what the obstacles. The unquenchable idealism of
these youngsters captures the hearts of all those who meet and hear them.

The musical play, Shadow of the Wall by Enrico Garzilli will be presented at the
Courthouse for the Arts on Nov. 7, 8 and 9 at 7:30, and on Nov. 10 at 2pm. The
ticket price is $25.00.
There will be an open dress rehearsal at 7:30 on Nov. 7. Ticket price for that
show is $10.00.
Nov. 9, 2019 is the 30 th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and Enrico seeks to make that night a truly celebratory event for you.

We are very proud of the local talent and statewide participants in this
entertaining and inspiring production.
Among the Participants are,
Stephen Grueb: Director. A URI graduate, Stephen is also a great conductor and musician.
Philip Martorell, Fine Pianist and Professor at RIC
Kristen Minsky: A brilliant choreographer
Mya Lemery: Lighting Designer who at 15 is already producing musicals.
Marissa DiBiase: A superb singer, featured in The Smart Set of Enrico Garzilli.
Killian Mooney: A truly great singer, graduate of URI and the Longy School of  Music in Boston
Jen Bernard: A gifted singer, actress, pianist and organist
Bryan Kuchar: Superb singer and actor, also featured in The Smart Set of Enrico Garzilli
Maria Day Hyde: A great actress and singer, URI professor and actress
Ralph Stokes: A fine attorney, actor and singer