SOLD OUT Roland Comtois, Medium: Validating the After Life – Purple Papers

December 18, 2018

SOLD OUT Roland Comtois, Medium: Validating the After Life – Purple Papers


December 18, 2018 - December 18, 2018

7:00pm – 10:00pm


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A nationally acclaimed inspirational speaker, spiritual medium, author, and radio host, Roland Comtois is a professional healer and spiritual medium with over 30 years of experience as a gerontology nurse, Reiki Master, metaphysical teacher and grief specialist. Thus, his expertise extends from the physical to the spiritual as he shares healing modalities and messages that nurture and balance mind, body, and soul. Roland’s mission is to help people find comfort in life in spite of the loss, show them how to move beyond grief with love and hope, and to pass on the message that heaven and eternal love are real and always close at hand. He is the founder of Talk Stream Spiritual Radio, and the Living Beyond Loss Conference, now in its 10th year. His work is currently sought after by television production companies eager to showcase his signature Purple Papers.

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Set apart by his dedication to helping people recognize that life and love do not end when someone passes from this plane, Roland brings his audiences not only messages from loved ones who have transitioned, he also brings inspiration and reassurance that engender acceptance of all that life brings.

Reclaim your present moment, moving from pain to understanding of the enduring quality of love and visceral reassurance that life does not end on this plane.  Join psychic medium Roland Comtois for an inspirational, informative, and interactive experience of Bridging Beyond Boundaries. Roland will share how he came to be aware of his abilities to communicate beyond, he will offer random audience readings, showcases his Signature Purple Papers, and he will then share with the audience how they can access their own intuitive abilities and open themselves to communications with those who have crossed over.